We are thrilled to announce that we have launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for Threads That Tie Us! As we begin to head into post-production, we need to raise some funds in order to complete the film. Our first goal is $50,000, but we do have stretch goals that you can look at in the campaign, going up to $120,000, where we will write a book to complement the movie that is packed with stories and recipes related to Oshwal culture.
Threads That Tie Us, the first feature-length film about the Halari Oshwals, will give current and future generations answers when they need them regarding their history and culture. With hardly any pieces of media about the Halari Oshwals, people do not know about us. This film could also be a great way to put us on the map. The film will be full of stories, interviews, history and archival footage, making it a perfect historical piece for the Oshwal community. Rather than writing a book, especially since there already exist books about the Halari Oshwals, we are breaking new ground for the community by making the first ever feature-length film about it.
On our Indiegogo page, you will see a lot more details for Threads That Tie Us, including two teaser trailers, our full budget for the film, stretch goals, and even all the awesome perks we have ready for those who contribute towards the film!
You will also see a list of great perks that you can receive based on how much you contribute towards the film! Whether it’s VIP tickets to the closest screening of the film, a digital or Blu-Ray copy, a digital download of the soundtrack, or a simple thank you card, there is a lot to choose from when picking out different perks.
To contribute, please visit our Indiegogo page. Thank you for your kind support!